
Deliverance: The Game of Spiritual Warfare

Created by Lowen Games

Good & evil clash in this epic tactical combat adventure about angels, demons, and the saints caught between!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Entering The Final Stretch & So Many Unlocked Goals!!!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Jul 08, 2021 at 03:53:06 AM

We have been through much together in these last 30 days. To see it through to the end with you is my greatest joy. In this update, we'll take a look at all of the amazing things we have unlocked together! But first, what is in front of us?

Join The Facebook Live Party!

Christy and Andrew are going to go live and answer your questions + talk all things Deliverance in our Facebook Group tomorrow morning at 6:30am PST / 9:30am EST and celebrate the final 90 minutes with everyone that can make it. Our campaign is set to end at 7:59am PST tomorrow. Hope you can join us!

Join us here: 

Custom 👏 Angel 👏 Dice 👏 !!!

There is nothing more awesome than a beautiful set of customized dice. For backers of every pledge level, we're going to include a customized dice design from the gifted hand of Dan Maynard, the lead artist for Deliverance. Also, because we're unveiling this goal late in the game, we're going to share the design with you and seek your feedback so that the dice is exactly what you want!

So just brainstorming ideas here -- what would you think about a dice pattern that looks something like this? If we SMASH that $296K Stretch Goal, we could upgrade all dice to these, AND give you an Add-On for extra sets of dice if you wanted every player to have their own set!

Imagine the design on the left wrapped around the dice on the right 🤩

Now... where have we been?

Many players want to be clear about how many Cards are included in the game after knocking down all those amazing Stretch Goals. Here's some exciting info for you guys with just 12 hours to go!

Hopefully this encourages you all about the high value of your pledges!

9 Angels + The Intercessor

The Base Game has access to Michael, Gabriel, Christine, Sardius, Shula, and the Intercessor (Solo Mode).

The Deluxe game has access to all gameplay content including the 5 base angels, the Intercessor, and the 4 added Stretch Goal Angels - Azrael, Uriel, Mikko, & Taolu!

Shula, Gabriel, Sardius, Mikko
Michael, Azrael, Christine, Uriel
Taolu, Windwalker, Just unlocked for Deluxe pledges and above!

150 Angel + 38 Major/Minor Demon Talents

The Base game has 90 Angel Talent cards, divided into 15 unique Talent cards per Angel, including the Intercessor! 

The Deluxe game has 150 Angel Talent cards, which includes the 90 from the base game plus an additional 60 Talent cards for the added Stretch Goal Angels unlocked during the campaign!

Each game of Deliverance will come with 38 Demon Talents (19 Minor and 19 Major), which include stretch goal unlocks (and yes, we totally SMASHED that final Social Goal today)!

Darkness, Heavenly Treasure, and Prayer Cards

All versions of Deliverance will have 66 Darkness Cards, 52 Heavenly Treasure Cards, and 78 Prayer Cards including cards unlocked via Stretch Goals!

Prince Darkness, Prince Talent, & Battle Cards

All versions of Deliverance will have 25 Battle Cards, 35 Prince Darkness Cards, and 21 Prince Talent Cards! Each Prince Card will be stylized with a customized icon to match the Prince to which they belong.

Not to mention the...

  • fantastic HP Tracking dials for Angels AND the Fallen Princes
  • the coil-bound Campaign book
  • the alternate Darkness Board art
  • the Spot UV box treatment
  • the Linen Finish upgrade
  • the Acrylic Standees
  • the epic Neoprene Mat
  • the awesome Metal Coins
  • the 16mm CUSTOM dice
  • and the plastic insert + Deluxe box that fits it all! 🤯🤯🤯

Be sure to join us in our Facebook Group tomorrow morning between 6:30 - 8:30am PST / 9:30 - 11:30am PST for a time of celebration! Stop by and ask a question or share a celebratory drink with us!

Join us here:

Get The TL;DR Summary: Where we've been, where we're going, & plans for the final 48 hrs!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Jul 06, 2021 at 01:10:39 AM

If you want all the details summed up, this is the update for you! Get info on Stretch Goals unlocked, the Campaign, a first look at the NEW Neoprene Mat + Darkness Board art, info on our newest angel Taolu, livestream plans, and more! 

Details below:

Campaign End & Livestream Plans

I have mixed emotions to see our exciting campaign come to a close, but I am SO excited to see it through to the end! I'll be celebrating the Deliverance campaign Update on campaign end time : 7:59am PST Thurs July 8! 

I repeat: Our campaign ends Thursday *morning* at 7:59am Pacific

If you'd like to join us, we'll be doing a livestream event on Discord and in our Facebook Group to celebrate and capture those final exciting moments together!

Our Livestream starts at 6:30am PST on Thursday, July 8th and will extend about 2 hours. My awesome wife Christine and I will be engaging in Discord and Facebook Live chat, answering questions, and sharing whatever comes to mind as our epic campaign draws to a close.

The Neoprene Mat + Darkness Board Art!

The Neoprene Mat is an item that many debate over -- in my view, in order for a Neoprene Mat to be worth buying, it needs to be both thematically engaging AND serve a functional purpose in the game.

The Giant 44" x 27" Neoprene Mat!

My vision for the Neoprene Mat has been to immerse you into the town of Fallbrook by showing it to you! As you add map tiles to this, it will be as though you are actually parting the fog and exploring the town. The buildings on the mat are the same scale as the map tiles, and so I think this is as thematically exciting as you can get!

Second, the Neoprene mat is huge, and it will cover all the space you need to functionally play the game. The game of Deliverance is often laid out in this horizontal shape, so you'll be able to put all your components on the mat. In addition to this, the Darkness Board is represented on the mat, effectively replacing the Darkness Board with a *massive* upgrade in quality.

The All-In pledge now contains this brand new Neoprene Mat, which is 2mm thick and has double-stitched edges. Considering this, the metal coin set, and the amazing acrylic glass standees added to the All-In edition, are you planning to upgrade?

Acrylic Glass Standees (They all fit in the Deluxe box)!

Taolu, Windwalker

Taolu is the 9th and final angel that we are going to unlock at $280k for all Deluxe pledges and above!

Taolu's Card + Talents + Mini will be added to every Deluxe pledge and above. Click to view Taolu's Angel card!

Taolu is a Wushu fighter, using fearsome golden rings to enhance the power of his strikes. He has very low health and weak heals, but compensates for this through his Deadened Nerves skill, reducing all damage taken by 1. He is a favorite of many that played him during development, as his constantly changing styles give him a very unique feel. Every time I finish playing Taolu, I want to watch Donut's fight scenes (warning: righteous beatdown) from Kung Fu Hustle!!!

What's so awesome about upgrading to "All - In"

Campaign Details + Lieutenants

The Campaign was one of the most sought-after elements of the Deliverance Kickstarter, and the reveal in Update 8 did not disappoint! We revealed:

  • Lieutenants, which are brand new enemies unique to the Campaign scenarios
  • Challenges, which give you 14 scenarios to test your skills AFTER you beat the Campaign. You'll revisit past scenarios with ultra-powerful angels and compete to beat the Challenge, styled after "New Game +" from JRPGs!
Check out the full Campaign explanation & view an enlarged version of this mission in Update 8!

And don't forget! The Deluxe and above pledge levels contain an amazing Coil-bound campaign book, compact in design for laying on the table during a game!

And since we're revealing new content, have a first look at a new Lieutenant encounter! These little monsters take part in a very unique scenario where the Saints truly are the prize... can you protect the Saints from the Imps of Wrath?

What is Kickstarter Exclusive?

You should know that our add-ons for the All-In and Angel Investor Pledges, including the T-Shirts, are Kickstarter Limited Exclusive.

That means we're not going to print a ton of these to sell everywhere. You're only able to get these items by backing them on this Kickstarter campaign or potentially finding the limited number we have left in stock at a convention or our website (if we have any left after fulfillment of this Kickstarter).

Note on the shirts: We're going to poll you on final designs, but sizes are available from size S - 6XL. Sizing chart and final designs will be presented in a future update!

Tabletop Simulator Social Challenge Ending Soon!

Our final Social Stretch Goal is SO CLOSE, but we need your help! Join our Discord and find a rules teacher! You can play Deliverance now on Tabletop Simulator (which is 50% off)!

We unlock this when 7 more players beat Heroic difficulty and 1 more player beats Nightmare difficulty!

Can we do it? Subscribe to Deliverance on Steam, then find a game on Discord!

What is next? 📈 is next!

We have nearly 5,000 Project Followers that are set to be reminded about Deliverance on Tuesday Morning. I expect we'll have a significant burst of momentum when everyone reads how we have SMASHED 24 Stretch Goals and will soon unlock the 9th angel!

But we need your help!

Contribute in our forums on BoardGameGeek - If we can rise up the Hotness list, we'll get a lot of visibility!

Click "Visit Project" on our Kicktraq Page - Kicktraq has a hotness list, and we will rise to #1 if we all do this once each day!

Upgrade your pledge from Base to Deluxe, or Deluxe to All-In! Even a T-shirt addition will help us rise to our maximum potential together! And if you have it in you, please consider supporting Deliverance by taking one of the last remaining Angel Investor pledges -- we're humbled that so many of you see the value in it and want to support Deliverance! There is no stronger way to support than to become an Angel Investor, and you'll get an extra set of professionally painted minis in addition to every add-on and the Deluxe game for your troubles!

Thank you!

From the bottom of my very full heart, I thank you for joining me on this amazing journey and supporting the realization of the work that began 5 years ago.

Let's make it a great finish and unlock that 9th angel and beyond! 😇

Stretch Goal Smashing + Kickstarter Exclusives + Commonly Asked Questions!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jul 03, 2021 at 11:56:55 PM

We have come such a long way! We have knocked down a TON of stretch goals since we last shared about this in an Update, *and* we have yet to feature several of our angels. Details below:

Goals smashed since last Stretch Goal update:

And we fully unlocked 2 of our 3 Social Goals!

We're also getting very close to beating our final social goal -- the Tabletop Simulator Challenge!

Click this image to find Deliverance on the Tabletop Simulator workshop!

When we knock this goal down, we're going to add 2 more Demon Talent cards to all versions of Deliverance.

In order to join on this challenge, you need to first own Tabletop Simulator, which is currently at HALF PRICE on Steam (only $10) through July 8th for those of you that don't have it yet!

But hurry, we only have 5 days left to unlock this goal! We need your help!

Once you download Tabletop Simulator, join the Deliverance Discord Server and find a game! We just need 13 more players to beat the Heroic difficulty and 4 more players to beat Nightmare difficulty and this goal is smashed!

What's next?

By popular demand, we decided to add a coil-bound campaign book upgrade to the Deluxe edition of the game. Our players were concerned that the campaign book sitting on the table needed this quality upgrade, since we announced brand new bosses called Lieutenants (you can read more about this huge news in Update 8)! 

The Coil-Bound Campaign Book is our next stretch goal up for SMASHING -- We're only about $8k away!

And I would be neglectful if I didn't share more about our final 9th angel:

Did you know...

… that all of our stretch goals have been tested mercilessly over hundreds of games by our army of play testers? That's right -- all of the cards, characters, and rules of the game have been (and will continue to be) thoroughly tested and well considered. 

Issues with untested components being added as Stretch Goals has been a problem with many Kickstarter games I've backed in the past, so I thought you'd appreciate knowing this. While I'm sure we couldn't possibly solve 100% of edge cases or issues with card text (because we're only human), I wanted you to have confidence in our thorough testing of Deliverance over the course of several thousand games played... 

Maybe we went a little overboard with the testing and tuning? Nah! 😁

Speaking of which, I have to give credit - I have been so impressed by how all of you play testers have kept quiet on the details you knew (and KNOW) about our 9th angel -- I didn't ask for your silence, but I am so grateful to you that you let me share the surprise of Taolu with all our new Insiders 😇

Incoming Art Reveals!

Taolu, Windwalker is coming! I expect to have his art ready to share some time this weekend!

In addition to Taolu, we have a coming surprise for all our All-In, Angel Investor, and Neoprene Mat add-on backers! We're going to reveal a brand new Neoprene Mat design that really adds another level of immersion to Deliverance. 

While the old design was nice, it didn't meet the standard I have for our game components -- I want a neoprene mat to be functional, beautiful, AND add to my immersion into the theme of Deliverance.

That is why we have contracted with the incredible Yoann Boissonnet, popular for his map tile designs for Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth and Mansions of Madness, to deliver us an incredible next-level Neoprene Mat design that will allow you to see the entire town of Fallbrook veiled in fog. As you add map tiles, it will be as though you part the fog and step into the city (or wilderness... or school... or underground Mines... you get it)!

The design really bumps the quality of the mat by a massive amount for me, and also adds an extra level of thematic immersion to the gameplay!

Kickstarter Exclusivity

Speaking of the "must have" Neoprene Mat... Did you know that our add-ons for the All-In and Angel Investor are Kickstarter Limited Exclusive?

That means we're not going to print a ton of these to sell everywhere. You're only able to get these items by backing them on this Kickstarter campaign or potentially finding the limited number we have left in stock at a convention or our website (if we have any left). 

I say "Limited Exclusive" because I'm scared to screw up and accidentally sell one and break a promise to you guys -- I don't intend to purchase extras aside from a comfortable margin to guarantee we can fulfill all our Kickstarter orders!

If you needed reasons to upgrade to the All-In edition of Deliverance now, here are a few:

  • 15 Metal Coins + 1 Large Metal Initiative Token
  • The Giant Neoprene Mat (44" x 27" double-stitched thick Neoprene) 
  • A full set ofAcrylic Glass Standees (all angels + demons)
  • A huge $30 discount off the regular price *with* bundled shipping to save more!
  • You're going to help us knock down stretch goals and unlock Taolu!!!
The Deliverance "All In" Pledge!

Commonly asked questions:

I thought it was critical that I would answer these questions for backers as many asked them:

How can I get an extra copy of the game for my church/gifts/etc?

Many people are interested to purchase an extra copy or few of Deliverance for their Church youth program or gifts. Here is how you do that - Just increase your pledge by the $ amount of the additional item. For example, if you backed at the "All-In" tier, and you would like to add a second Deluxe edition game to your order, just increase your pledge by $89. You will be able to select your rewards in our Pledge Manager after the campaign!

Can I upgrade my Base Game pledge for the extra Deluxe angels only?

The answer to this is yes -- it will be $21 more. While I am happy to offer the ability to upgrade your $59 base pledge to acquire the angels, I am sad to say I cannot do it for an effective price due to this shipment requiring its own box and handling charges. I believe the value of the Deluxe edition far outshines this price at only $9 more for all those extra game upgrades (4 angel health dials + 1 Fallen Prince health dial, the coil-bound Campaign book, 9 angel minis, a 3-tier custom plastic insert, and a taller box to fit it all beautifully). That said, I wanted to give you guys what you wanted and not bump up your shipping!

Will you have extra sets of Angel Miniatures to purchase for use in other games (or kit bashing)?

Yes! Similar to our above statement on the base game, we have to charge for an extra box. I am also debating on adding a single-tier extra plastic insert for these minis as well to keep them stored and awesome. Please let me know your preference here: We could either charge $22 for each extra set of minis (includes the box + 9 minis), OR charge $25 for the box + minis + plastic insert. Which would you prefer? Please share in the comments below!

How do I get the 3 T-Shirts for $60 Bundle? Also, how do I pick my styles and sizes, and are kid sizes available?

We just created a new Add-on for a 3 Deliverance Shirt Bundle, but we made this available earlier if you did it the hard way (increasing your pledge amount by $60 to get the shirts in the Pledge Manager).

Now, you get to simply select the new add-on to add 3 shirts at a $12 discount to your existing pledge! Just go to manage pledge in Kickstarter and select the new Deliverance 3 Shirt Bundle add-on!

You will be able to select your shirt sizes and styles in the Pledge Manager after the campaign.

We will have size S - 6XL, and might possibly have Junior sizes too! The 6XL might need to be printed on a non-heathered flat color, but we will make sure to have an option for those that want it!

We might be able to print the full-color angels on the dark shirts! 🤩

Before we finalize the shirt options, we'll poll you, our backers, on your favorite styles of shirts. The top 3 will make it into the Pledge Manager to select. Thanks to Jacob of Hands On Originals for going the extra mile for our backers (he's a backer, too)!

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Ask away in the comments and I'll answer!

Campaign Details & The Big Lieutenant Surprise!
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 03:38:51 AM

You have waited eagerly, and I have lots of Campaign news in this update! 

I'll quickly mention -- we just revealed Add-Ons, and we're giving something more to our All In + Angel Investor Backers!

We have Add-Ons for the following:

  • Metal Coins (Included in "All In")
  • Neoprene Mat (Included in "All In")
  • Acrylic Standees (NEW + Included in "All In" & above)
  • Deliverance Shirts! (NEW + Included in Angel Investor)

Please consider adding these to your pledge or even upgrading to support Deliverance! Details in Update 7 (link here).

Now, on to the Campaign!

Here is a Campaign Mission Example! Notice anything interesting?

Click to view a larger PDF of this Campaign mission!

Introducing Lieutenants!

The low rank-and-file demons that plague you are often led by field commanders called Lieutenants. Og, King of Bashan is our first revealed Lieutenant in Deliverance, and there are many more to be found!

These demons are very dangerous and will challenge players in new ways, offering interesting puzzles or challenging battles to navigate. Their character cards are contained within the Campaign book, and they are designed with an entire scenario to complement them.

These demons do not use Prince Darkness Cards, but their character cards contain very problematic skills that are guaranteed to surprise and delight (and terrify) you! They are also influenced by Demon Talents.

These scenarios can be played as campaign missions OR 1-shot scenarios called Encounters with your game group at game night!

For everyone that was looking for new demon types, I hope this gives you more than you expected! :)

Campaign Basics

The story of Deliverance unfolds an epic story spread over a 14-mission Campaign, culminating in events contained within a special sealed box that adds additional replayable content to the game!

Each scenario will contain setup instructions that guide tile and character placement, victory conditions, special rules (if any), and an optional challenge (more on this later).

Campaign missions can be played with 1-4 players, typically take 1-2 hrs (though some... more explosive... campaigns might take less time), and scale in a number of ways, balancing for player counts and desired difficulty level.

Minions are placed according to an easy-to-follow chart here. Just place the named minion in the spaces marked by their portraits on the map tiles. The colored triangles around the portraits designate player count.

RED triangles designate placement in 1-2 player games.

GOLD triangles designate placement in 3 player games.

BLACK triangles designate placement in 4 player games.

In the above example, only Og and the Saint would be placed in a 1-2 player game, and all demons and the Saint would be placed in a 4-player game.

The words below the demon portraits are Demon Talents. Attach these Talents to the corresponding demon character cards. Normal difficulty uses all the talents, and novice difficulty excludes the Talents hilighted in red. When playing through normal difficulty and a mission is failed, you have the option to reduce the difficulty level, or you may change your angel's Talents and try again (more on this later).

Customized Character Progression!

One of the major differences between a Skirmish and the Campaign is the way your character advances in levels and equipment.

Instead of gaining experience (XP) when defeating demons, angels will gain XP and other rewards after a mission is complete that they will track on a character sheet. Use this XP to unlock talent slots for your angel. Once a Talent slot is unlocked, you may use any Talent card in that slot, provided you have unlocked that level -- This means that you'll be able to mix multiple Talents of the same levels to create brand new combos only available in the Campaign.

(Design is not final. Click for larger image!)

In addition, the way angels gain Heavenly Treasures changes in the Campaign. After certain missions, angels will be rewarded with a Heavenly Treasure card of a certain type (Gloves, Chest, Legs, Helm, or Weapon). Players will shuffle the Heavenly Treasure deck and draw cards until 3 of the given Treasure type is revealed, then choose one to equip (recording the name of the item on your Campaign Tracking Sheet). This equipment is a permanent addition to your angel, and cannot be changed for the rest of the campaign.

If you find a particular build or play style that you love during the middle of the Campaign, you can invest directly into stat points to further customize your angel on your Campaign Tracking Sheet!

Furthermore, angels also have access to Campaign-specific Bonuses at the start of the game which will surely come in handy during difficult missions!

Campaign Challenges: "New Game +"

When you finish the campaign, the game is not over for your angel. Remember those Challenges mentioned earlier? This is when they come into play!

After you invest into 14 epic missions saving the town of Fallbrook, your angel will be an ultra-powerful hero! Instead of asking you to abandon your hard work by starting over, you get to compete in challenges worthy of your epic prowess! You can replay the scenarios you just defeated with stronger and more crafty foes, new victory conditions, and more! Victory over these epic Challenges will not come easy, but after 14 missions spent customizing your angelic warrior, you'll be ready for them!

Go back and look at the scenario above for its' Challenge!

Bonus: Ant Lab Games is back with a Deliverance feature!

Click to watch Ant Lab Games' playthrough on YouTube!

Between the added value to the All-In / Angel Investor Pledges and our new Add-Ons, can we skyrocket this campaign? 

Let's keep sharing and do this together!

Add-Ons You Have Been Asking For Are Here!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Jun 26, 2021 at 10:02:21 PM

You have waited eagerly, and I have lots of Campaign news in this update! We are revealing Add-Ons, and we're giving something more to our All In Backers for free!


You guys have been asking for them, and we've been working hard to deliver for you, including a brand new surprise offering of Acrylic Standees and 3 T-Shirt designs!

For you ALL IN backers, we are giving you the Acrylic Standees as a free addition to your pledge!

For the Angel Investors, we're adding Acrylic Standees AND a Shirt of your choice to your pledge (Limited Angel Investor pledges available).

We're doing our best to listen to you, our community, and give you what you're asking for!

If you want to add any or all of these to your pledge, just increase your pledge amount by the amount of your requested items, and you can select your rewards in the post-campaign Pledge Manager.

We Have Earned More Stretch Goals!

Let's review the stretch goals we have knocked down since last update, including our Social Stretch Goals!

Click this image to visit Deliverance on!

We're making progress! To add to this meter and unlock the remaining Prayer Cards:

1. Share this Facebook Post:

2. Retweet this:

And do not forget -- our Tabletop Simulator Challenge is still on! Beat the game on Heroic, Nightmare, or Abyssal difficulty to help us unlock 2 Demon talents! Be sure to show proof in our Discord Server to add to this meter:

Click this image to visit our Discord Server!

Tomorrow, we will share a big Campaign update! 

Stay tuned :) Our updates were SO BIG that we had to split them in half. Too much for one update lol.

What do you guys think of this news?

What Add-Ons are you getting? Does the All-In seem like a better value with some AMAZING Acrylic Standees? Which is your favorite shirt color?