Good & evil clash in this epic tactical combat adventure about angels, demons, and the saints caught between!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
BIG Social Goals (Read & gogogo!), Beautiful Terror, & Angel Hints
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 11:27:12 PM
Since our last update, we have unlocked another stretch goal and are almost about to knock down another!
This update will be a big one for Stretch Goals if you're willing to do some work to get MORE!
Here's what we unlocked since last update:
Here's what we're about to knock down:
Only $4k more to unlock this alternate art goal!!!
And here is the new stretch goal as a result of our community vote:
But That's Not All - Let's Unlock Social Stretch Goals!
I mentioned to some that we would have an announcement today, and I hope this makes you all happy!
You guys have carried us to 1,750 backers through your passion and excitement for Deliverance, and we need to continue our sharing and spreading the word about Deliverance to keep growing through our mid-campaign!
So let's continue the push and unlock some stretch goals!
I'm giving you the opportunity to unlock TENadditional cards for Deliverance by engaging in some social activities!
Here are the details (Graphic coming soon):
Deliverance Titles: We need you to get Deliverance on Tabletop Simulator and crush the various difficulty levels! Join us on Discord, get a rules teach, and beat the game on a higher difficulty to claim your title! Overcoming Heroic difficulty earns you the title of Warden on our Discord Server. Beating Nightmare difficulty earns the title of Guardian, and for those rare few capable of claiming victory in the Abyssal difficulty, you will earn the title of Slayer! Each completion we get in this area will unlock new Demon Talent Cards!
30 Wardens,15 Guardians, and 7 Slayers = 2Demon Talents!
Social Shares:ShareTHIS PINNED POST on Facebook and retweet THIS TWEET on Twitter to help us spread the word! We will tally the combined total of these shares -- Share to your friends, groups you gather in, and retweet to the world to help us unlock new Prayer Cards!
BoardGameGeek Subscribers: We need to earn more subscribers on our BoardGameGeek page! BGG is a really great community where people can ask and answer questions about gameplay, dive into game theory and strategies, and get in contact with us. We love to frequent BGG, and we'd love to jump on the Hotness list! Once we reach these benchmarks, we will unlock brand new Darkness Cards!
320 Subscribers = 1 Darkness Card.
380 Subscribers = 1 additional Darkness Card.
450 Subscribers = 2 additional Darkness Cards!!!
4 Possible DarknessCards via Social Stretch Goals!
Social stretch goal graphic coming soon -- look for it on the campaign page in the stretch goal section!
Beautifully Terrifying - A New Deluxe Edition Stretch Goal!
Some Fallen Princes have more health than you might know what to do with...
For Deluxe Pledges only, we will be unlocking this amazing and fearsome Fallen Prince Dual Health Dial!
Look for this to be added to our stretch goals soon! Can we crush this funding section fast?
The next BIG Stretch goal to be revealed might be a bit more... *angelic*
More Secret Hints...
I know you might be sad we didn't reveal our *confirmed* 9th angel, but you didn't think we'd leave you completely hanging, did you?
We revealed his sketch art this week in an email to our Insiders...
Then we shared his skillset would be that of a Wushu Fighter...
And now, we reveal one of theiconic skills that makes this angel so unique and engaging to play!
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going..." - John 3:8a
MORE stretch goals, community vote, Christine, and some shipping answers!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 08:39:05 PM
Hi everyone! Welcome to our 5th update, where we crushed 3 more stretch goals, passed $200,000 and are only $500 away from our next stretch goal!
Here are the stretch goals we knocked down since I last updated you, as well as what we have ahead:
And here is what is next:
We're gonna get this one today!
What is our next stretch goal? YOU decide!
We've been at the helm here for a while, but we think it's time for you to decide the next stretch goal!
Prayer Cards, Demon Talents, or Darkness Cards Next?
How do you decide? Just make your opinion known in the comments of this update! We're going to add 4 cards of whatever you choose as our $226k Stretch Goal!
We haven't done any Darkness Cards yet, and we still have more thoroughly tested Demon Talents and Prayer Cards that we want to add to the game!
What's your preference? Make it known in the comments below!
Shipping Stuff You'll Want To Know
We have had some questions regarding how we plan to handle the current state of Shipping around the world, and wanted to make an early statement on it for you all.
The shipping conundrum is one I am very familiar with -- I have a lot of colleagues that are facing real challenges at the moment with shipping.
We are committed to delivering your games, and here are the major things we're doing to be certain of it:
1. We are going to save our funds to be sure we can deliver. We have raised well over $200,000, and our art is already paid for. These funds aren't for me to live on -- they're for the production and delivery of this game! We use accrual-basis accounting, which allows us to report income as our expenses come in, so we will not get taxed before we know what shipping actually costs. All this means that we have the ability to fulfill our promise to get your game to you!
2. Weare committed to fulfilling from within each region. This will keep shipping as low as possible for each of our regions. Now, if it ends up that the numbers to ship to an area don't pencil out due to the shipping climate and small amount of backers, we would elect to air ship games and lose a bit of money (versus spend $12k on a shipping container) so that our backers don't get left with huge shipping charges if worst comes to worst.
3. We alreadybuilt additional room for margin of error into our estimates. This means that we actually expected the shipping costs to rise, and we have accounted for that. We did not make our calculations with unknown figures, and we understood the current shipping climate before we put our estimated numbers together. Now, it they rise much more than anyone expected due to the Suez and Panama canals being blocked at the same time or a third World War, that is a bridge we will cross together!
Lord please don't let that happen 😂
Angel Spotlight: Christine, Voice of Thunder
Christine is one of the angels charged with the four winds, and her gift is of Thunder and Lightning! She represents the "melee mage" archetype (think a prettier version of Gandalf... or an 18 strength warrior in cloth armor for you D&D fans).
Christine is the leader in dominating "Area of Effect" attacks, using her Lightning Stab to damage multiple foes with its' unique targeting method (did you know most Lightning emanates from the ground?). She specializes in close-quarters combat, though her skillset does allow for some clever ranged snipes, too!
Christine, Voice of Thunder
Christine's play style, lore, inspiration, and a suggested build for new players!
Other cool stuff you might find interesting...
The Chosen director Dallas Jenkins shared Deliverance, which made me fanboy out a little bit. It's the only Christian show I ever binge watched, and evidently a ton of other people feel the same way. The Chosen also happens to be the highest-funded Christian media crowdfunding project of all time! I'm stoked he considers Deliverance to be good company.
Next, some of you wondered a little bit about the creative elements behind Deliverance. The Board Game Design Lab just released a podcast episode where we discuss our decision to publish Deliverance. That might be a good listen if you fancy yourself a board game designer!
And... Do you want to win a free set of painted Angel Miniatures?
Then join us as we play a game of Deliverance this Friday at 4pm PST / 7pm EST on the Love Thy Nerd Twitch Channel for your chance to have your pledge upgraded to an Angel Investor!
Whisperings of a 9th angel have been heard among the chatter of our Discord Server...
Balance Tweaks, Challenge Update, & What's Ahead!
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 10:16:47 PM
Hey Insiders!
We put together a video that gives you the essentials of this update -- let us know how you like the content variety! Andrew went live in the Deliverance Game Insiders Facebook Group to chat, and we snagged the video and put it on YouTube for y'all! If it's not your thing, we added a TL;DR for you below :)
Join Andrew hear a quick recap of what has happened so far in the Deliverance Kickstarter, plus new details on the Challenge get the inside scoop on some balance changes to Deliverance!
Video TL;DR
Quick recap since launch: Wow $193k in 7 days! Can we unlock Mikko today?
More Stretch Goals: Added Prayer Cards and alternate art for the Darkness Board is next!
Tabletop Simulator Challenge: We added a title reward to our challenge! Now you can get the Warden title on our Discord server for beating Deliverance on Heroic difficulty. Join our Discord Server and find a game today!
Balance tweaks and patch notes: We made some positive tweaks to your favorite angels! Check them out on Steam (link here).
Stretch Goals!!!
Can we unlock Mikko TODAY?
Tabletop Simulator Challenge - New Title!
The Deliverance Tabletop Simulator Challenge is rolling and players are testing their might against the higher difficulty levels of Deliverance!
What is this challenge? Beat Deliverance on a higher difficulty level and get a special title on our Discord server! And yes, that now includes Heroic difficulty!
Here are the awesome titles you can win:
Heroic: Warden title
Nightmare: Guardian title
Abyssal: Slayer title
We have a select few players that have beaten Nightmare, but we have yet to see anyone conquer the Abyssal difficulty!
If you use Tabletop Simulator, this is a super fun way to dive deep into Deliverance with a group of hardcore fans.
Deliverance isn't an easy game, is it? 😇 Many of our players learn quickly that you will have a tough time winning on any difficulty if you ignore the Saints and Darkness...
But fear not! I have a few helpful *spoiler free* tips to help you in your conquest of the Tabletop Simulator Challenge!
Dealing With Darkness
You can't control the Darkness with dice rolls alone. Sometimes, the dice will fail you! But you *can* protect saints, which will reduce the amount of Darkness you face in a round. Also, casting down a face-up Darkness card is often a stronger move than a face-down card.
Angelic Efficiency
You only get 2 actions per turn, so spend them wisely! Find ways to solve more than one problem in a single turn. Can you eliminate an enemy or remove a Darkness card before it activates? Can you damage multiple demons in a single action? Or maybe you can save your Courage up for a huge turn next round!
Positioning Matters!
Early on, you might be tempted to split up and go after different objectives. While this can sometimes work, it can also result in a lot of trouble for your team! Beware of spreading out too much -- Team up and help each other defeat demons! Also, beware of stepping too deep into the fray early, as you will find that the Demons have no qualms about working together to defeat you!
Don't Delay!
When you have a chance to finish a battle, take it! You may be tempted to delay and fuel up while one demon remains. While this may sometimes work in low difficulty levels, the Darkness cards are ever-encroaching! Often times, it is a better move to take a smaller bonus for unspent actions and finish a battle now than risk another round of Darkness cards!
Character Spotlight: Michael, the Archangel
Michael is the legendary angelic leader of Heaven's armies. He favors overwhelming force and strength against a single foe, wielding his awesome broadsword to fell his enemies. He is a front-line fighter that excels in melee combat!
Michael, the Archangel's Character Sheet
Michael, the Archangel's play style, lore, inspiration, and a suggested build for new players!
Share on Kicktraq & Social Media!
Be sure to go to our Kicktraq page and click "View Project" so we can rank up there!
Also, please share our campaign with your friends on social media! We currently have a lot of momentum and we need your help to keep it up!
Thank you for being a part of this project. See you in the comments!
Mikko, Riverwatcher + Important Stretch Goal Update + A Challenge!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 11:43:48 PM
What a solid 2 days!
We raised over $167,000 and smashed through two more Stretch Goals since our last update. I am blown away by our momentum.
You guys have taken the torch and run with it. Let's keep sharing on social media, posting on BoardGameGeek, and clicking the "View Project" on the Kicktraq page!
Stretch Goal Update!
Speaking of stretch goals, we made a mistake IN YOUR FAVOR this week. Originally, we had plans to upgrade each of the angels from 12 to 15 Talents via Stretch goals. We were about half-way through, when someone correctly pointed out that we already listed 15 cards per angel on the Deluxe Pledge. It was a bit confusing, and so we decided to bump the next Angel Talent goal from 3 cards unlocked to 18 cards unlocked for all remaining angels including solo mode.
This affects all versions of Deliverance. What started out as a humble $6k stretch goal turned into a massive one!
In addition to that, we also just knocked down our Spot U/V Box Upgrade! The Deliverance cover is filled with the brilliant contrast of blue+black and gold+white, and now, all of the gold on the box face will be upgraded to shine brilliantly!
While this is just cosmetic, it really turns Deliverance into a show piece for those of you that look forward to displaying it, and it significantly enhances the awesomeness of the cover!
What's next?
A pair of unlocks were just revealed that you might want to know about!
Demon Talent cards really enhance the Skirmish mode of the game AND give us additional tools to leverage in the Campaign. I'll say right off that all of our stretch goals have been well tested, so you can trust that what you're getting is going to enhance the game and not add balance problems!
The Riverwatcher has emerged from the waters!
Mikko, Riverwatcher's Angel Character Sheet!
Mikko's play style is all about perfect positioning. If you are a fan of MOBA games like League of Legends, DOTA, or Smite, you'll immediately appreciate the awesomeness that is Mikko, Riverwatcher.
Mikko's skillset revolves around planning your movement and positioning both yourself and enemies for maximum effectiveness. Typhoon spear is a highly rewarding skill when you connect with multiple enemies, and it is able to be significantly enhanced through her Talent cards. In addition, Mikko's Jab skill, while simple on the surface, can become the core of your offensive strategy through Talents that allow her to spear multiple enemies depending on their position.
Mikko, Riverwatcher's play style, lore, inspiration, and a suggested build for new players!
We have over 450 subscribers to our Tabletop Simulator mod of Deliverance, and a LOT of games currently going on in our Discord Server. If you are looking for a game, that is a great place to find a rules teacher and other players and trythe game for yourself!
For those of you veterans that love the Tabletop Simulator experience, I have a challenge for you.
Deliverance is truly a game about challenges. Once you get used to the flow of the game and how to win, you are ready for higher difficulty levels.
Here is my challenge: Beat Deliverance on Nightmare or Abyssal difficulty.
If you manage to record or livestream a play of Deliverance on either Nightmare or Abyssal difficulty on our Discord Server and emerge victorious, I will give you a special title on Discord that you will keep forever:
Nightmare difficulty: Guardian
Abyssal difficulty: Demon Slayer
This is a very difficult thing to do, and requires you be at your absolute best to make it happen!
I will tell you, Abyssal in particular is no easy task. It may take you a lot of effort to make it happen, regardless of your player count.
I'll be playing games this week on higher difficulties and asking for players + streaming live in our Discord! If you feel like learning, come join in or watch a game on Discord!
Next Friday at 4pm PST, I'll be trying to earn the Guardian title myself live for everyone with the Love Thy Nerd crew -- be sure to follow them on to watch!
Podcast Spotlight: Level Up Board Game Podcast
The Level Up Board Game Podcast is an amazing undiscovered gem if you love entertaining podcasts about board games. They recently asked me to join them to talk about board games and Deliverance, and they asked some really great questions! They even played Deliverance before our chat so they could talk about it and give their opinions, too!
I loved their format, and their questions reached deep into my game design experiences, my experiences as an elite-level gamer and former professional Hearthstone player, and all manner of Deliverance topics, and more.
We have so much more to share! What do you look forward to learning about most during this Kickstarter campaign?
WOW did our launch go better than expected or what!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 07:12:33 AM
As I write this, we have blown past $100k funding and have unlocked SIX huge stretch goals. WOW!
Now, before I get all gushy, here's the next BIG goal we're all trying to knock down: Uriel, Flame of God.
Uriel is a fighter that uses his flames to damage nearby foes as he slays with relentless sword strikes. Few demons would dare stand against Uriel when he is fully charged with Courage, as the legends of his fearsome Crucible strikes are well known among demon ranks, as the whispers from fallen foes trapped in the abyss testify to this truth!
Uriel, Flame of God
Uriel's cardback contatns a short description, fantasy lore, inspiration, and a suggested build for new players.
So now, it's time to gush.
It is hard to believe we funded in 8 minutes. I was live on our Facebook Group and voice chatting on our Discord Server before the launch, and it came as a complete shock. My estimate was 500 backers on day 1, and I thought I was being a bit of an overachiever...
We got 500 backers in 2 hours!
Words cannot express how humbled I am to receive everyone's support like this. Every single Angel and Archangel Investor tier was sold immediately. I even increased the limited Angel Investor tier from 7 to 12 to 21... because it was that popular!
Not only do you guys honor me, but you all justified in 8 MINUTES the blood, sweat, and tears my family and I have shed in the development of this game over the last 5 years.
*Disclaimer: I can't help but talk about God all the time.
This will forever be a moment that I get to look back upon and reflect at God's goodness. Yesterday, God had me open up to this:
"But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to my people Israel, for they are about to come." - Ezekiel 36:8
More review videos are showing up!
The guys over at Hairy Game Lords just dropped their review of the game. They got a prototype, but they share all of their thoughts on the games of Deliverance they have played. I love their format and encourage you to give it a watch! You'll get perspective from Christian and non-Christian members alike!
Back to the grindstone!
It's your job to get sharing, and it's my job to catch up on all this graphic design work you guys are making me do by crushing through my first $100k stretch goals like they were nothing!
Thank you all for being advocates of Deliverance. In case you don't know this, I officially dub you my...